Phishing: Avoid the Bait
Posted by Geoff Ullrich
Phishing is a funny looking word with serious implications. But what is it? No, it has nothing to do with a ‘80s rock group or aquatic game. It refers to fraudulent electronic correspondence that attempts to steal personal information. These will often appear as though they were from a trusted source in hopes…
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Smart Homes: A Window into the Future
Posted by Geoff Ullrich
Did you remember to lock the front door? Is the oven still on? Maybe you forgot to turn the thermostat down before your trip and while you were taking it easy, your AC was working overtime. These are problems we’ve all come across and they usually result in a frantic trip back home.…
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South by South Tech: The SXSW Gaming Expo
Posted by Geoff Ullrich
Last week the Austin Convention Center played host to the South by Southwest Gaming Expo, housing the latest the gaming world has to offer. With wristbands bound tightly, gaming fans got a chance to scope out a dizzying array of games, gadgets and gear. As one might expect, the epicenter of the buzz…
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Cloud Cover: An Intro to the Cloud
Posted by Geoff Ullrich
Our computers, and the data within, contain the bulk of our lives these days. They hold onto our memories, our photos, our finances and our hard work. We’ve talked in our other blogs about ways to protect this precious information from outside, malicious forces. However, computers aren’t perfect and just like anything, they…
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Pain-in-the-***-word Management
Posted by Geoff Ullrich
It’s time to log into your online bank, or alternate email, or one of the many hundreds of accounts we all have. What was your password again? Your mother’s maiden name and your birthday? Your first pet and your graduation year? Maybe you try to make it easy and use the same password…
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